It all begins with a downed tree in the field. The raw materials, bark and all, are chainsawed into logs—some of which weigh as much as 500 pounds—and then hauled to the shop, where they are rough-turned, sealed, and stored in the drying room for 8 to 12 months. After the drying process is complete, each blank is mounted to the chuck and turned to its final shape on the lathe. The final look of the piece is dictated by the individual nature discovered within. While most pieces are finished as food-safe utilitarian bowls, some are destined to become art pieces. Finishing these pieces usually involves extensive carving and coloring such as those that led to the creation of Lloyd’s signature “Sweet Gum Baskets,” which were inspired by Charleston’s traditional woven arts. The pieces are then sanded and lacquered to accentuate the wood’s natural charm and beauty.